Saturday, February 18, 2012

the happenings:

So, here are a few pictures from this weekend:

This is Thea~ she has started violin lessons @ school, and received her first violin this week. She has been very excited and enthusiastic about practicing (hopefully that continues to last!)

Earlier today, Andrew was driving home from the eye doctor's (girls in'tow) & they took a great interest in what was being played on the classical station (which happens to be the only station Andrew listens too!)...Apparently, an opera was being played & Thea especially took great interest in, he turned one when they returned home (The Marriage of Figaro)...They were glued for the full two hours!! 
(I hope this continues to give Thea the continued inspiration she will need in her violin lessons!)

~ I did not allow them to sit this close for the entire duration of the opera...Last thing I need is an eye doc's bill x5!!

Blessings ~Ami