Sunday, July 31, 2011

Turtle Rabbit

Last night we saw something very strange (to us ex-mountain folk, anyway) wandering and digging around the fence right behind our apartment--what the Aztec's called the turtle rabbit (also known as an armadillo).  I know that they are common here, but it was exciting for us.  I ran into the house and grabbed the camera, then ran back outside to snap a picture.  Alas, it was too dark, and I couldn't figure out how to get the camera to focus while I was chasing a turtle rabbit in the dark without shoes on--sometimes I'm not very good at multitasking.

So, sadly, all I can do is grab a picture from wikipedia, and, pointing in slack-jawed yokel fashion exclaim, "That thing!  Looky there!"

Nine banded Armadillo

I've been wondering about a number of big holes that have been dug around the fence and bushes that surround our apartment building.  I think I have my answer now.

Oh, and I saw my first armadillo roadkill this morning on the way to church.

More info on the turtle rabbit here.