Monday, August 15, 2011

Computers, School, and Thea

I apologize to all of you for the silence which, by now, has spanned an internet eternity [12 days x internet = eternity]. Part of this can be explained by massive computer problems we've been having that have now been remedied; another part can be explained by the quickly approaching school year.

Now, regarding the latter I have made some interesting observations. As the excitement and trepidation of a new school year in a new place draws toward its inevitable apex, the girls find increasingly strange and creative ways to blow off steam.

Take, for instance, Exhibit A (Thea's rediscovery of Photobooth):


Heatmap (with reaction)


Negative (with reaction)


Close encounter






The [eyes] have it!

Thea has also taken a video of herself telling the story of Hercules with the help of a recently acquired library book.  But I'll save that for another post...